15-3039 Pahoa Village Rd Pahoa HI 96778

Brain & Nerve Tonic IV


Vitamin C - antioxidant with antibacterial and antiviral effects Magnesium-fosters optimum autonomic nervous system function and calms inflammation B-complex- organ maintenance, metabolism and detoxification B-12-essential for digestion, brain function and blood production Calcium gluconate-maintains functional integrity of nerves, muscles and bones Alpha Lipoic Acid-aids in glucose metabolism and eliminates free radicals Glutathione-The body’s master antioxidant

Price: $264

This tonic’s secret ingredients include alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. These two infusions clean out free-radicals and oxidants dirtying up the body which, in turn, reduces inflammation, fatigue and brain fog. An excellent infusion to increase focus, concentration and overall performance in daily activities.

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