15-3039 Pahoa Village Rd Pahoa HI 96778

Vitamin Details

  • Vitamin C – antioxidant with antibacterial and antiviral effects
  • Magnesium- fosters optimum autonomic nervous system function and calms inflammation
  • B-complex- organ maintenance, metabolism and detoxification1 
  • B-12-essential for digestion, brain function and blood production
  • Calcium gluconate-maintains functional integrity of nerves, muscles and bones2
  • Trace minerals-Optimizes body function
  • L-taurine-improves performance, muscle damage, metabolic stress, and recovery3
  • Phosphatidylcholine-increases cellular function and detoxifies the liver
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid-aids in glucose metabolism and eliminates free radicals4
  • Vitamin D – improves immunity and maintains well-being
  • Glutathione – The body’s master antioxidant
  • NAD-Mitochondrial enhancement and antiaging
  • Aminos/Branched-chain aminos – Performance, endurance and recovery
  • Biotin-Fat, glucose and protein metabolism5
  • Methionin, Inositol, Choline – Fat soluble B vitamins that increase fat metabolism


Price Info

The base prices* below, reflect quotes for Mobile clinic pricing.  All IV formulas can also be given in the clinic setting, where patients take advantage of special pricing for packages and pre- ordering.  To inquire about the IV formulas available in  clinic, and specialized pricing for that setting, please set up a consultation with one of our physicians

  • Base price does not include a one time $50 fee to establish physician relationship.
  • Base price does not include GE tax
  • Base price does not include transportation fee or after hours surcharge
  • $100 surcharge for IV’s requested after regular business hours
  • Transportation Calculated At 1$ per minute transportation time

All appointment times are requests for appointments only. We will do our best to accommodate your requested appointment time, and if not able to, we will be in touch as soon as possible to reschedule you with the earliest available appointment time.