15-3039 Pahoa Village Rd Pahoa HI 96778

Meyer’s Cocktail IV


Vitamin C - antioxidant with antibacterial and antiviral effects Magnesium- fosters fosters optimum autonomic nervous system function and calms inflammation and calms inflammation B-complex- organ maintenance, metabolism and detoxification B-12-essential for digestion, brain function and blood production Calcium gluconate-maintains functional integrity of nerves, muscles and bone

Price: $219

“Take your vitamins,” is the lullaby sung by mothers since childhood. What wisdom they have! But, what exactly do these vitamins help with? Vitamin C, to start with, is an antioxidant and can have antibacterial and antiviral effects on the body and studies are showing it may even act as an immunomodulator that reduces allergic reactions.2 The B vitamins help to maintain healthy organs, speed up metabolism and detoxification, and are major contributor in the nervous, immune, digestive and endocrine systems.3 Magnesium fosters relaxation of both vascular and bronchial smooth muscle and it also contribute to mitochondrial energy production.4   Finally, the essential mineral calcium underlies almost every metabolic process in the body.  We can easily personalize your Vitamin cocktail as well with ingredients like NAD+, glutathione, extra vitamins and much more.

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